Repeat order: 2 more units of dump trucks Dongfeng being shipped to Algeria in 2009
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Repeat order: 2 more units of dump trucks Dongfeng being shipped to Algeria in 2009
Repeat order: 2 more units of dump trucks Dongfeng being shipped to Algeria in 2009
After the first 2 units of dump trucks have been put into use,  the Algerian customer is very satisfied with the performance of the vehicles. To suit the expanding request of transportation, he has bought 2 more units of dump trucks.
Front View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4) to Algeria
Front View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4) to Algeria

Side View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4) to Algeria
Side View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4) to Algeria (lifted)
Front Right View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4) to Algeria
Front Right View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4) to Algeria

Left Side View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4)
Left Side View of Dump Truck Dongfeng (6X4) 
Similar Keywords: dump truck, tipper truck, dump tipper, side-turn tipper,dump truck tipping, dumper, tipper and lorry.

